An absolute foodie heaven! Join me as I explore THAIFEX World of Food Asia, an annual food trade show that is the biggest in Asia! The show features food manufacturers of all sorts who are there showcasing their best and most innovative food products. They have some really fascinating stuff I've never seen before...a coconut with a soda can cap? That's cool!
If you want to go to THAIFEX , you can! It usually takes place at the IMPACT Arena, a convention center just outside of Bangkok. Dates change every year but you can easily look it up on the internet. The first few days of the show are for industry only, but the last couple days (usually the weekend) are open to the public. It's a super fun way to spend the weekend with your family or your foodie friends, but choose your "section" to explore wisely because trust me, you will not be able to see everything because it's huge!
A big thank you Thai Trade Center Vancouver for sponsoring this trip!
The post Thailand's Biggest Food Show! appeared first on Hot Thai Kitchen.